Sunday, April 22, 2007

Oops... Sorry!

I don’t usually tend to forget birthdays. Not because I write them down or anything. I just don't forget birthdays of people I'm in close contact with, and whom I have been dealing with for a long period of my life. Come to think of it, I'm indifferent to people who call you on your birthday, just because they had written the date down somewhere, or because they had saved it in their mobiles.Why am I talking about this?
Today, for the first time in my life, I totally forgot about my friend's birthday!
And yes, it is a big deal for me! I feel weird because it never happened before, and kind of guilty. I know I would not really appreciate it, had it happened the other way around.
"Leih, shou fi lyom?" I had asked him. The nerve I got!
I guess it's not the right time to mention I've been noticing a couple of white hairs every now and then, is it?
Oh, I made a record today: studying a single page took me up to 30 minutes! My mind was obviously somewhere else.
Yalla, better go back to study. still 21 pages to do.


Anonymous said...


Mabrook for the new site girl... nice one..

it is embarresing to forget someones birthday especially if he/she is close.

i used to remember all of my friends birthdays... that was a nice thing to do..
but now i do not know if i can still do it .. it has been a long time since i did that ... since we all left Syria to deferent countries... and lost contact.... eeehhh..

and easy on studying ... i have been there before... sometimes you just need a break... afterwards you'll feel like a million dollars...

Good luck in the exams..

ba3deen ween elkharoof... 7elwan el site eljdeed... byseer hayk jaretna..??!!


Nael said...

I remember my parent's and sister's birthdays, but not exactly which day of the month... lol

Zena said...

alla ybarek be 3amrak ya rab :)
glad to see you here ya jaree, nwar el blog...
takram 3enak kharoof w m7alaea!!.
"eeehhh" sigh :(..
hope to see you here, dear don't keep long

thanks for stoping by,
God bless you and your family :)

Anonymous said...

are you fucking kidding me? did you copy paste the entire "mysteriouseve" blog and make it yours? you're such a joke!